Causality Agency

Result-driven digital productions correlating the cause to the effect.

Our input and output

We conduct result-driven solutions within digital and communication. Our production output is websites, apps, strategies, tools and proactive maintenance. Everything we produce is based on business analysis and tracking, correlating the cause to the effect

Agile and rapid processes


We put a great deal of effort in understanding what should be done and how our clients monetary operates. This is a collaborative process making sure that we focus on what matters and not fluffy cute ideas.


Knowing what needs to change we start to explore how this can be done. We research both external and internal influences such as trends and processes. This allows us to set up ambitions and metrics to measure a successful production.


We work with short cycles and an interactive work process to ensure we stay on track of the analysis and involve all stakeholders in the loop. When applicable we use prototypes to gain user-driven insights.


We care about tracking the results, not to brag or being uncertain but for learning what should be done next time around. It is from these learnings we gain knowledge on how to be even more successful.

Contact us for a solution

Are you fronting a business challenge you need help with? Book a lunch with us! You treat us with a challenge; we treat you with lunch.

Technical Lead

Stefan Hansen
+46 73-554 60 04

Solution Architect

Marcus Andersson
+46 70-746 19 89

Grev turegatan 40, 114 38 Stockholm